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How to Unlock New Alternate Skills For All Your Characters

by GamerHub
Nov 01, 2019
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With the Skills 2.0 update, we got an amazing amount of depth added to the game. After you unlock the characters, you’ll be wondering how to unlock the new skills and skins for them! Each alternate ability is unlocked with challenges. Here’s your cheat sheet to get them all unlocked:

The Captain Challenges For New Skills

Unlock The Captain Secondary: Beacon - Resupply

Skill Description: Recharge equipment on use.

In order to unlock this skill you need to visit 10 different realms on a single run. Difficulty: MEDIUM

Unlock The Captain Secondary: Beacon - Hacking

Skill Description: Hack all nearby purchasables to a cost of $0.

In order to unlock this skill you need to purchase the TC-280 Prototype drone in Rallypoint Delta. Difficulty: EASY

Unlock The Captain Alternative Skin

In order to unlock this skin you need to complete the challenge: REX: Mastery. The challenge requires you to beat the game again or obliterate yourself at Monsoon as the Captain. Difficulty: MONSOON

REX Challenges For New Skills


Unlock REX Secondary: Seed Volley

Seed Volley
Skill Description: Costs 30% of your current health. Launch a series of seed bullets into the sky raining down for 450% damage per second.

In order to unlock this skill you need to complete the challenge: REX: Bushwhacked. The challenge requires you to: As REX, complete an entire teleporter event while under 50% health. Difficulty: EASY


  • Use your self damaging abilities to stay under 50% HP rather than being damaged by enemies.
  • This is easier to complete later in a run, but before you can be one shot easily.
  • You can also get the help of a friend to hold boss/monster aggro to reduce the risk of dying.

Unlock REX Skin: Smoothie REX

Smoothie REX
In order to unlock this skin you need to complete the challenge: REX: Mastery. The challenge requires you to: As REX, obliterate yourself at the obelisk on Monsoon difficulty. Difficulty: MONSOON

Mercenary Challenges For New Skills


Unlock Mercenary Secondary: Rising Thunder

Rising Thunder
Skill Description: Unleash a slicing uppercut dealing 450% damage and sending you airborne.

In order to unlock this skill you need to complete the challenge: Mercenary: Demon of the Skies. The challenge requires you to: As Mercenary, don't touch the ground for 30 seconds. Difficulty: EASY


  • This can be done with no items after a bit of practice on the first stage in Distant Roost by climbing to the highest point of the map and jumping off while spamming Blinding Assault, Whirlwind and Eviscerate straight upwards.
  • This can also be completed with relative ease after you have some movement speed items and a few Hopoo Feathers. Use your Blinding Assault and Eviscerate on enemies to buy time in the air.

Unlock Mercenary Special: Slicing Winds

Slicing Winds
Skill Description: Fire a wind of blades that attack up to 3 enemies for 8x100% damage.

In order to unlock this skill you need to complete the challenge: Mercenary: Ethereal. The challenge requires you to: As Mercenary, complete a Prismatic trial without falling below 100% health. Difficulty: MEDIUM


  • Since the Prismatic Trial is always changing (weekly) the best bet here is to follow news on when a particularly easy Prismatic Trial is on and use that opportunity to complete this.

Unlock Mercenary Skin: Oni Mercenary

Oni Mercenary
In order to unlock this skill you need to complete the challenge: Mercenary: Mastery. The challenge requires you to: As Mercenary, obliterate yourself at the obelisk on Monsoon difficulty. Difficulty: MONSOON

Loader Challenges For New Skills


Unlock Loader Secondary: Spiked Fist

Spiked Fist
Skill Description: Fire your gauntlet forward dealing 320% damage and stunning. Pulls you to heavy targets. Light targets are pulled to YOU instead.

In order to unlock this skill you need to complete the challenge: Loader: Swing By. The challenge requires you to: As Loader, reach and proceed through the Celestial Portal in 20 minutes or less. Difficulty: EASY


  • This is pretty straightforward, especially with Loader's huge early game damage combo. Rush teleporters and spam Grapple Fist into Charged Gauntlet on Bosses to clear stages quick.
  • See Loader for more tips.

Unlock Loader Skin: Classic Loader

Classic Loader
In order to unlock this skin you need to complete the challenge: Loader: Mastery. The challenge requires you to: As Loader, obliterate yourself at the obelisk on Monsoon difficulty. Difficulty: MONSOON

Artificer Challenges For New Skills


Unlock Artificer Primary: Plasma Bolt

Plasma Bolt
Skill Description: Fire a bolt for 220% damage that explodes in a small area. Hold up to 4.

In order to unlock this skill you need to complete the challenge: Artificer: Massacre. The challenge requires you to: As Artificer, perform a multikill of 20 enemies. Difficulty: MEDIUM


  • Grab a Primordial Cube and a few Crowbars and this should be easy to complete once you get far enough enough into a run for enemies to spawn enough.

Unlock Artificer Secondary: Cast Nano-Spear

Cast Nano-Spear
Skill Description: Charge up a piercing nano-spear that deals 400%-1200% damage and freezes all enemies.

In order to unlock this skill you need to complete the challenge: Artificer: Chunked. The challenge requires you to: As Artificer, fully defeat the teleporter boss in a one second burst of damage. Difficulty: MEDIUM


  • Combining busrt damage with a Preon Accumulator

Unlock Artificer Special: Ion Surge

Ion Surge
Skill Description: Burst into the sky dealing 800% damage and stunning nearby enemies.

In order to unlock this skill you need to complete the challenge: Artificer: Orbital Bombardment. The challenge requires you to: As Artificerkill 15 enemies before touching the ground. Difficulty: MEDIUM


  • Combine the strategy of Artificer: Massacre with a H3AD-5T V2 or Hopoo Feathers and don't forget to use ENV Suit to slow your descent.

Unlock Loader Skin: Chrome Artificer

Chrome Artificer
In order to unlock this skin you need to complete the challenge: Artificer: Mastery. The challenge requires you to: As Artificer, obliterate yourself at the obelisk on Monsoon difficulty. Difficulty: MONSOON

Huntress Challenges For New Skills


Phase Blink
Skill Description: Disappear and teleport a short distance. Can store up to 3 charges. Can be used while sprinting.

In order to unlock this skill you need to complete the challenge: Huntress: One Shot One Kill. The challenge requires you to: As Huntress, collect and carry 12 Crowbars at once. Difficulty: HARD


  • There isnt much to this, you basically need to get lucky and find a Crowbar Item Printer or try your luck at a Shrine of Order.

Unlock Huntress Special: Ballista

Skill Description: Teleport backwards into the sky. Fire up to 3 energy bolts dealing 3x900% damage.

In order to unlock this skill you need to complete the challenge: Huntress: Piercing Wind. The challenge requires you to: As Huntress, start and finish Rallypoint Delta without falling below 100% health. Difficulty: HARD


Unlock Huntress Skin: Arctic Huntress

Arctic Huntress
In order to unlock this skin you need to complete the challenge: Huntress: Mastery. The challenge requires you to: As Huntress, obliterate yourself at the obelisk on Monsoon difficulty. Difficulty: MONSOON

Engineer Challenges For New Skills


Unlock Engineer Secondary: Spider Mines

Spider Mines
Skill Description: Place a robot mine that deals 600% damage when an enemy walks nearby. Can place up to 4.

In order to unlock this skill you need to complete the challenge: Engineer: 100% Calculated. The challenge requires you to: As Engineer, defeat the teleporter boss in less than 5 seconds after it spawns. Difficulty: EASY


Unlock Engineer Special: TR58 Caronizer Turret

TR58 Caronizer Turret
Skill Description: Place a mobile turret that inherits all your items. Fires a laser for 200% damage per second that slows enemies. Can place up to 2.

In order to unlock this skill you need to complete the challenge: Engineer: Better With Friends. The challenge requires you to: As Engineer, recruit 12 minions at one time. Difficulty: MEDIUM


  • Buy every Bot you see, don't be afraid to stay longer on a stage to get all the bots.
  • A Happiest Mask or a Queen's Gland can be lucky additions that will help this along.

Commando Challenges For New Skills


Unlock Commando Secondary: Phase Blast

Phase Blast
Skill Description: Place a mobile turret that inherits all your items. Fires a laser for 200% damage per second that slows enemies. Can place up to 2.

In order to unlock this skill you need to complete the challenge: Commando: Rolling Thunder. The challenge requires you to: As Commando, land the killing blow on an Overloading Worm. Difficulty: HARD


  • Timing is key here, This will be easier in Singleplayer when you have no minions so there is less risk of having the last hit stolen
  • If you are in Multiplayer, use a Preon Accumulator for a good damage burst to finish off the worm and let your teamamtes know to back off.

Unlock Commando Special: Frag Grenade

Frag Grenade
Skill Description:

In order to unlock this skill you need to complete the challenge: Commando: Incorruptable. The challenge requires you to: As Commando, clear 20 stages in a single run without picking up any Lunar Items. Difficulty: HARD


  • Play on Drizzle Difficulty for an easier time here.
  • Pretty straightforward, just go for a good run.

Unlock Commando Skin: Hornet Commando

Hornet Commando
In order to unlock this skin you need to complete the challenge: Commando: Mastery. The challenge requires you to: As Commando, obliterate yourself at the obelisk on Monsoon difficulty. Difficulty: MONSOON

MUL-T Challenges For New Skills


Unlock MUL-T Primary: Scrap Launcher

Scrap Launcher
Skill Description: Fire a arcing hunk that explodes for 360% damage. Hold up to 4.

In order to unlock this skill you need to complete the challenge: MUL-T: Pest Control. The challenge requires you to: As MUL-T, defeat 2 Beetle Queens without leaving the teleporter area. Difficulty: EASY


  • Activating a Shrine of the Mountain will give you more Bosses making it easier to get an opportunity to battle multiple Beetle Queens
  • Playing Multiplayer will also give more boss spawns making easier and possible to complete on stage 1.

Unlock MUL-T Primary: Power-Saw

Skill Description: Saw nearby enemies for 1000% damage per second.

In order to unlock this skill you need to complete the challenge: MUL-T: Gotcha!. The challenge requires you to: As MUL-T, land the killing blow on an Imp Overlord with the Preon Accumulator. Difficulty: HARD


  • Keep a good pace to get to stage 3 Rallypoint Delta before 10min and get the free Preon Accumulator in the timed chest.
  • On Stage 3 The Preon Accumulator should do at least 25% HP to an Imp Overlord Boss. If you are lucky to get an Imp Overlord Boss, lower it to 20-30% HP and hit it with a point blank Preon Accumulator shot.

Unlock MUL-T Skin: Janitor MUL-T

Janitor MUL-T
In order to unlock this skin you need to complete the challenge: MUL-T: Mastery. The challenge requires you to: As MUL-T, obliterate yourself at the obelisk on Monsoon difficulty. Difficulty: MONSOON

Risk of Rain 2 Unlocked!

Happy Challenge Hunting! If you want more tips on your runs, check out our community Risk of Rain 2 tier lists for every character. If you just want to learn more, check out our Risk of Rain 2 Wiki.

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