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Grock Stats

Battle Point Cost32000
Diamond Cost599
Movement Speed260
Physical Attack135
Physical Defense21
Magic Power0
Magic Resistance10
Attack Speed0.81
HP Regen Rate42
Mana Regen Rate42

Grock's Rankings in Recent Tier Lists

MLBB Meta as of November

by damaged-ap
The new tier list follows after the introduction of Benedetta. The new laning system ...
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Grock Tier: C
Thu Nov 12 2020 13 days ago

Grock Abilities

Grock's Ancestral Gift

Ancestral Gift

When Grock is near a wall or turret, his Movement Speed will be increased by 10%, Physical and Magical Defense by 15 (+8*Hero Level) and HP Regen by 15 (+8*Hero Level).
Grock's Power Of Nature

Power Of Nature

Raises weapon to sweep nearby enemies, dealing 300(+40%Extra Physical ATK) [C3physical damage] and slowing them down for 2 seconds. Damage scales with charge time. Stay near to wall while casting this skill to become immune to Crowd Control effects.
Grock's Guardian's Barrier

Guardian's Barrier

Grock releases a shockwave towards a designated location, dealing 300 (+50% Total Physical ATK) points of Physical Damage. Then the shockwave becomes a stone wall that blockes enemies for 5s.

Wild Charge

Grock charges forward, dealing 300 (+50% Total Physical ATK) points of Physical Damage to enemies on the path. Hitting a wall or turret allows him to deal 600 (+150% Total Physical ATK) points of Physical Damage to the nearby enemies and reduce the CD of this skill by 30%.

Power of Nature

Grock raises weapon to sweep nearby enemies, dealing 300 (+40% Total Physical ATK) points of Physical Damage and slowing them by 40%. Lasts 2s. Damage scales with charge time. Stay near to a wall while casting Power of Nature to become immune to Crowd Control Effects.
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