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Esmeralda Stats

Battle Point Cost32000
Movement Speed240
Physical Attack114
Physical Defense21
Magic Power0
Magic Resistance10
Attack Speed0.8
HP Regen Rate36
Mana Regen Rate20

Esmeralda's Rankings in Recent Tier Lists

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Esmeralda Tier: S
Sun Nov 15 2020 11 days ago

Esmeralda Abilities

Esmeralda's Starmoon Casket

Starmoon Casket

Esmeralda manipulates Stardust and Frostmoon. Each of her Basic Attack and skills deal damages twice - Stardust Deals Physical Damage and Frostmoon deals Magic Damage and gives the target a shield equal to 150% of Frostmoon's damage dealt. The damage dealt by Esmeralda ignores all shield effects and transforms her Shield into her HP at the same time.
Esmeralda's Frostmoon Shield

Frostmoon Shield

Esmeralda generates 350 (+150% Total Magic Power) points of Shield to herself and increases her Movement Speed by 40% within 5s. Meanwhile, she gradually transforms the shields of her nearby enemies into her own shield. The Speed increased decays in a short time.
Esmeralda's Stardust Dance

Stardust Dance

Esmeralda waves Stardust and Frostmoon and deals 210 (+60% Total Physical ATK) points of Physical Damage and 210 (+90% Total Magic Power) points of Magic Damage to nearby enemies. Dealing damage to enemies reduces the CD of Frstommon Shield by 1s.
Esmeralda's Falling Starmoon

Falling Starmoon

Esmeralda coheres the power of Astrospace into her two weapons - Stardust and Frostmoon. The longer the duration lasts, the greater the power will be. Use again this skill to cast the Stardust to the designated location, dealing 350 (+90% Total Physical ATK) points of Physical Damage, and then Esmeralda moves to the designated location to cast Frostmoon, dealing 350 (+140% Total Magic Power) points of Magic Damage and immobilizing enemies in the area for 1.2s.
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