1. Brawlers
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Piper Stats

RoleRanged Attacker
Move Speed720


"Piper's sniper shots do more damage the farther they travel. Her Super drops grenades at her feetwhile Piper herself leaps away!"

Piper's Rankings in Recent Tier Lists

Brawlers i play most to least

by fluffy-combo
Here's my Tier List for Brawl Stars
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Piper Tier: Don't play
Fri Aug 14 2020 3 months ago

Piper Abilities

Piper's Gunbrella


Primary Attack
Piper fires a sniper shot from the tip of her parasol. The shot gains more oompf the farther it flies!
Piper's Poppin


Super Ability
Piper hops away to avoid pushy suitors. She leaves them a lady's favor though: three live grenades from her garter!
Piper's Ambush


Star Power
Piper's attack deals +400 extra damage (at max range) when she's hidden in a bush
Piper's Snappy Sniping

Snappy Sniping

Star Power
When Piper hits an enemy with her attack, she reloads 0.5 ammo instantly


  • Does best in maps such as Bounty where she can safely shoot away from range.
  • Deals the most damage at max range,
  • Easily destroys other long range attackers like Ricochet, Dynamike and Barley.
  • Ultimate allows her to escape from bad positions.
  • Her ultimate can break walls.


  • Long reload times.
  • Vulnerable at close range.
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Piper Tips

Piper is an excellent sniper, but up close, her shot is weak, so always keep your distance from enemies

by haxoa year ago

Piper is best on maps with long, wide open site lines

by haxoa year ago

If you're playing with a teammate, have them break down the walls on the map to turn the whole level into a shooting gallery for Piper

by haxoa year ago
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