1. Brawlers
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Crow Stats

TypeDamage Over Time
RoleDamage Over Time
Move Speed820


"Crow fires a trio of poisoned daggers. As a Super move he leapsfiring daggers both on jump and on landing!"

Crow's Rankings in Recent Tier Lists

Brawlers i play most to least

by fluffy-combo
Here's my Tier List for Brawl Stars
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36 more
Crow Tier: Don't play
Fri Aug 14 2020 3 months ago

Crow Abilities

Crow's Switchblade


Primary Attack
Crow throws a triple threat of poisoned daggers. Enemies nicked by these blades will take damage over time.
Crow's Swoop


Super Ability
Crow takes to the skies, throwing a ring of poisoned daggers around him both on take-off and landing.
Crow's Extra Toxic

Extra Toxic

Star Power
Crow's poison saps the strength of enemies, causing them to do 10% less damage while the poison is active.


  • Fast and very long range.
  • Poison overtime, giving him a advantage is pro longed battles.
  • Great at kiting.
  • Has invincibility frame with his super, giving him time to escape or position himself for a field advantage.


  • Lacks burst damage.
  • Super doesn't do much damage due to casting delay when he lands, allowing Brawlers to dodge easily.
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Crow Tips

Crow is a squishy, but the second fastest brawler, so learn to dodge, juke, and play with agility to stay alive

by haxoa year ago

Poke from long range, even if you're landing a small number of hits to grind down enemy health via poison without exposing yourself to danger

by haxoa year ago

In Gem grab, play Crow extremely aggressively to keep enemies away from your teammates

by haxoa year ago

Use Crow's super to assassinate enemies low on health from a distance

by haxoa year ago
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Crow Videos

800 MECHA CROW - NEW StarPower + 100 Trophies in a row! // BrawlStars

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