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Ring of the Fiend

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Ring of the Fiend Stats

Max HP600
Movement Speed+5%
Cooldown Speed+15%
Mana Per 5 Seconds20
General CategorySupport
Cooldown Speed+15%
Cooldown Speed+15%


"+15% Cooldown Speed +20 Mana / 5 sec +200 Armor +600 Max HP +5% Movement Speed Unique Passive - Ration: Earn 5 gold or EXP every 3 seconds if you are earning the least gold or have the lowest level of everyone in your group. Unique Passive - Distinction: Earn extra 30% gold and exp after a kill or an assist. Unique Passive - Eye of the Fiend: Increases movement speed of allies with 8 meters by 30% for 2 seconds. They also gain vision of enemies within 10 meters for 2 secondsduring which those enemies will stay visible for 4 seconds. 45-second cooldown."
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