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The Insatiable
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Omen Stats

Gold Cost18888
Voucher Cost1199
Max HP3720
Armor Pierce0%
Magic Defense80|11.7%
Attack Damage168
Ability Power0
Max Mana0
Movement Speed390
Magic Pierce0%
Attack Speed0%
Critical Chance0%
Critical Damage200%
Life Steal0%
Magic Life Steal0%
Cooldown Speed0%
Attack RangeMelee
HP Per 5 Seconds61
Mana Per 5 Seconds0
Magic Life Steal0%
Constitution Rating6
Attack Damage Rating7
Ability Damage Rating4
Difficulty Rating3
Attack Damage168
Critical Chance0%
Life Steal0%
Cooldown Speed0%
Cooldown Speed0%

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Sat Oct 17 2020 a month ago

Omen Abilities

Death's Embrace

Omen rushes forward and deals 400 (+120% of AD) physical damage to the first enemy hero he runs into. He then summons a plasma sword that curses the target for 5 seconds. While cursed, the target deals less damage with attacks and cannot leave the sword's area.

Death's Beckon

Omen uses his blade to pull all enemies in front of him closer, dealing 200 (+80% of AD) physical damage and slowing their movement speed by 25%.


Omen enters a state of heightened awareness and gains 50% damage reduction, while increasing his movement speed by 30% for 2 seconds. In this state, Omen can reflect normal attacks, dealing physical damage to the attacker, decreasing their movement speed by 30%, and adding any bonus normal attack effects from Omen's equipped items or buffs. Each attacker can only have their attacks reflected once.


Every time Omen hits an enemy with a normal attack, he gains 1 Thirst Point. After reaching 5 points, Omen increases his movement speed by 60 and his attack speed by 25% for 5 seconds. His strengthened normal attack will also deal 60 true damage and reduce the cooldown for Death's Beckon and Untouchable by 1 second. Omen's 3rd normal attack triggers a second hit that deals 50% damage. The counter is reset after reaching 5 points of Thirst and after coming out of Thirst.

Omen Guide

With his ability to trap heroes and force them to fight him, Omen is the nightmare of squishy heroes Who need to move around to be effective. if you encounter him alone you better run.


Passive - Thirst

Every time Omen hits an enemy with a normal attack, he gains one Thirst point. After reaching five points, Omen increases his movement speed by his attack speed for 5 seconds. His strengthened normal attack will also deal true damage and reduce the cooldown for Death's Beckon and Untouchable by 1 second.

Omen's 3rd normal attack triggers a second hit that deals 50% damage. The counter is reset after reaching 5 points of Thirst and after coming out of Thirst.

Omen can build up stacks of thirst on jungle creeps or minions only getting the fifth stack to trigger thirst to gank an enemy or use in a team fight.

Ability 1 - Death's Beckon


Omen uses his blade to pull all enemies in front of him closer, dealing physical damage and slowing their movement speed.

Since deaths beckon is mainly used to interrupt and catch heroes, not as the main damage dealing tool. So do not focus on leveling this first.

Ability 2- Untouchable

Omen enters a state of heightened awareness and gains damage reduction while increasing his movement speed by for 2 seconds. In this state, Omen can reflect normal attacks, dealing physical damage to the attacker, decrease their movement speed.

Also, adds any bonus normal attack effects from Omens equipped items or buffs, each attacker can only have their attacks reflected once. Untouchable is Omens core ability, make sure you level this up during the laning phase.

Omen can use this to both reduce overall damage on him, while increasing his own damage output through damage reflection thus, giving him high survivability.

Ultimate - Death's Embrace

Omen rushes forward and deals physical damage to the first enemy hero he runs into. He then summons a plasma sword that curses the target for 5 seconds. While cursed, the target deals less damage with attacks and cannot leave the sword's area.

As omens strongest Control ability, enemies can't use abilities or talents to escape, however. Due to its short range, it's easy to avoid.

Use this while in the brush to catch a jungler or random assassin off-guard. Deaths embrace can also be used to escape the embrace of death if you're about to die. Use it on an enemy and simply leave. You can leave but the enemy is stuck.

Pay attention noobs. Though Omens ultimate has him charge forward a good distance it doesn't get him over obstacles.

How to get that glass cannon from afar? No worries Omen's ultimate plus flicker can catch them off-guard.

Before reaching level 4 Omen needs to be safe Near the tower and soak up minion exp and gold. Upon reaching level 4, however, his ultimate will allow him to catch enemies to help with team ganks.

His ultimate is control. So once you get the enemy with it use ability 2 and normal attacks to get more damage. When the effect fades use ability 1 to catch the enemy for more damage. Combo as follows ultimate into ability 2 then ability 1.

Omen doesn't have any particularly strong abilities for team fights but it doesn't matter. Open with his ultimate and catch their squishiest target. If you don't get the hit off then try to cut off any escape points.


"Death reigns eternal!"

Omen the Insatiable was a killing machine. He was born from the deepest, darkest depths of the demon abyss, a place as cold and soulless as he. Even demons born of the same abyss refused to stand by him, fearing that his chill would wipe them away.

Despite this, Omen rarely graced the stage of the war. For Omen lived only to - not just his enemies, but fellow demons and the Lokheim fighting alongside him. All who could use him feared him. Suffice to say, he was a loose cannon nobody wanted.

The leader of Lokeheim, Maloch, was at a loss. He understood Omen was the physical manifestation of the Lokheim's desire to kill, and that retribution would be swift should he try to leash Omens' abilities. In the end, Maloch would only hide Omen away in the abyss. There he stayed, forgotten until Arduin's army invaded Maloch's ranks.

Maloch was badly injured and Veera was busy leading what was left of their army against Arduin's main forces. Neither had the energy to spare to defend themselves against Arduin's reinforcements. In desperation, Omen was awakened from his deep slumber, unleashing the murderous desires suppressed for many years. Omen stood alone on the passage of frost, fighting off every last member of Arduin's army. No tales of this battle were ever shared as there was no one left alive to tell them.

Satiated, Omen once again found peace. But tales of his return soon spread across the land.

"He's the physical manifestation of the abyss! The bringer of senseless wars and gruesome murders!"

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