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The Wunderkind
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Max Stats

Gold Cost18888
Voucher Cost1199
Max HP3833
Armor Pierce0%
Magic Defense80|11.7%
Attack Damage159
Ability Power0
Max Mana450
Movement Speed380
Magic Pierce0%
Attack Speed0%
Critical Chance0%
Critical Damage200%
Life Steal0%
Magic Life Steal0%
Cooldown Speed0%
Attack RangeMelee
HP Per 5 Seconds63
Mana Per 5 Seconds16
Magic Life Steal0%
Constitution Rating8
Attack Damage Rating6
Ability Damage Rating6
Difficulty Rating8
Attack Damage159
Critical Chance0%
Life Steal0%
Cooldown Speed0%
Cooldown Speed0%

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Max Abilities


Max fires trackers that attach to all enemy heroes for a short time. The trackers allow allies to see the enemies' locations and interrupt enemy recall actions. While the trackers are active, max can then select an enemy to track and ram into by holding down the ability button. Raming into the enemy deals 700 (+200% of AD) physical damage and knocks them back. If max takes too long to select an enemy, then he will have to fire the trackers again. When Max lands, he activates a magnetic force field, that reduces his damage taken, increases his resistance by 30%, and shocks all nearby enemies. Pressing the ability again while Max is tracking an enemy will cancel the attack, making Max land immediately and activate his force field.

Bionic Blender

Max spins his robot arms around, dealing 300 (+90% of AD) physical damage to enemies. Every time he hits an enemy, he increases his movement speed by 10% (up to a maximum of 30%) for 4 seconds.

Static Shock

Every time Max damages an enemy, the enemy gets shocked, causing them to suffer 30(+18% of AD) true damage per second and have their health regeneration reduced by 25% for 3 seconds.

Smooth Moves

Max rushes towards his target and flips over them, landing on the opposite side. Once on the other side, max activates a magnetic force field that reduce's Max's damage taken by 15% for 3 seconds. This ability can be used again within 4 seconds.

Let's Go

Max's blaster shoots a bunch of projectiles fast! It holds a lot of rounds, and Max is quick with the reload.

Super Charged

Star Power
Max now charges her Super while moving.

Run n' Gun

Star Power
Max reloads faster while moving

Max Guide

Max is great at chasing down enemies. Think you're safe from Max? Think again, his ultimate can go through the enemy team even if the target is on the other side.


Passive - Static Shock

Every time Max damages an enemy, the enemy gets socked causing them to suffer true damage every second and have their HP regen speed reduced for 3 seconds.

Static Shock can be used together with Tome of the Reaper or Curse of Death Soul effect. As this shuts down heroes that can heal quickly.

Ability 1 - Bionic Blender

Max spins his robot arms around, dealing physical damage to enemies. Every time he hits an enemy, he increases his movement speed by 10% (up to a maximum of 50%) for 4 seconds.

Bionic Blender's movement speed boost can be stacked. There are two ways of doing this.

The first way involves hitting multiple targets at once to get a huge speed boost. While the second way is to reduce Bionic Blenders cooldown with items, using Bionic Blender to hit the enemies again before Max loses the boost.

Ability 2 - Smooth Moves

Max rushes towards his target and flips over them, landing on their opposite side. Once on the other side, Max activates a magnetic force field that reduces Max's damage taken by 15% for 3 seconds. This ability can be used again within 4 seconds.

Smooth Moves is indeed a hidden dash ability and Max can use it to hit targets and pass through certain objects.

Ultimate - Lift Off

Max fires trackers that attach to all enemy heroes for a short time. The trackers allow allies to see the enemies locations and interrupt enemy recall actions.

While the trackers are active, Max can then select an enemy to track and ram into by holding down the ability button. Ramming into the enemy deals physical damage and knocks them back.

If Max takes too long to select an enemy, then he will have to fire the trackers again. When Max lands, he activates a magnetic force field that reduces his damage taken, increases his resistance by 30%, and shocks all nearby enemies.

Pressing the ability again while max is tracking an enemy will cancel the attack, making Max land immediately and activate his force field.

Max doesn't have to ram into the enemy every time when using Lift Off. If enemy heroes are sticking together and are tough to kill, then Max can tap Lift Off again to cancel it in order to avoid getting caught outnumbered.

Smooth Moves damage reduction will still be in effect on the second activation. Use it again right after the first part to achieve maximum damage reduction.

Bionic Blender is Max's main damage dealer and minion wave clearer. It also has a very short cooldown so always level up this ability first followed by smooth moves followed by his ultimate liftoff.

Max is really good at chasing down the enemy. So he doesn't really need Flicker to initiate, however, he may lack the damage to finish off targets. So take Execute for that extra damage reach.

Liftoff can also be used as an escape tool. When Max is running low and being chased down he can use Liftoff to ram into an enemy at another location. After he reaches a safe place he can then cancel Liftoff to complete his escape.

Max should always pay attention to the minimap. When he see's targets that are running low he should get close and use Liftoff to finish them off.

A common combo for Max is to first use Liftoff to charge forward. Follow it up with Smooth Moves for control followed by Bionic Blender to deal damage.

Continue the combo with Smooth Move and normal attacks to complete the kill. The combo sequence is ultimate + second ability + first ability + second ability.


"Technology will advance humanity!"

As stated by Max the Wunderkind in his autobiography, the "genius" inventor owed his accomplishments to his master, Moren the Technowiz. Old Moren may be contentious and rude, but he spared no expense when it came to Max's education.

Max lived a rough life. His father died in war before he was born and his mother worked herself to death trying to raise her son alone. With no money to his name and no life skills to speak of, Max was left wandering the streets. He spent his time huddled near the home of humanity's largest producer of waste, Moren.

Meanwhile, Moren was still mired in the shadows in Skud's wake. His productivity and quality were taking a hard hit as he tossed out priceless machinery like trash. This trash became a source of income for Max, and he, in turn, was inspired to become an inventor.

Max's "riches" provoked the ire of the other vagrants. They banded together to chase the young orphan off their streets. Knowing he was outnumbered, Max wisely opted to retreat, at least until he built himself a mechanical weapon from the scrap parts he had collected, and returned to teach those bullies a lesson.

Awakened by the noise, Moren was impressed by what he witnessed. The weapon Max held was rough around the edges but it held a certain sleekness to it. He invited Max into his home and questioned him about it. Upon discovering that Max had built it himself, Moren immediately offered to take the young genius under his wing. Max saw no reason to say no to the generous offer.

Under Moren's tutelage, Max learned the intricacies of building machines. He built vehicles and even transformed the realm's feeblest soldiers into ruthless fighting machines equal to any other warrior in the field. With his inventions, Max became the youngest human in the realm to be knighted. Since then, he has driven his vehicles into countless wars and cemented his place in history.

"You'll be sorry you ever underestimated me."

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