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The Sentinel
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Lindis Stats

Gold Cost18888
Voucher Cost1199
Max HP3377
Armor Pierce0%
Magic Defense80|11.7%
Attack Damage184
Ability Power0
Max Mana440
Movement Speed370
Magic Pierce0%
Attack Speed0%
Critical Chance0%
Critical Damage200%
Life Steal0%
Magic Life Steal0%
Cooldown Speed0%
Attack RangeLong Range
HP Per 5 Seconds49
Mana Per 5 Seconds15
Magic Life Steal0%
Constitution Rating3
Attack Damage Rating7
Ability Damage Rating3
Difficulty Rating6
Attack Damage184
Critical Chance0%
Life Steal0%
Cooldown Speed0%
Cooldown Speed0%

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Lindis Tier: B
Sat Oct 17 2020 a month ago

Lindis Abilities


Lindis sets a trap that lasts for 2 minutes. The trap will slow enemy movement speed by 30%, reveal enemy locations, and after a short while deal 360 (+120% of AD) physical damage. Lindis can store and set up to 2 traps. TRaps will become invisible 2 seconds after being set.

Lunar Champion

Lindis calls forth a spirit to attack enemies, dealing 160 (+100% of AD) physical damage and triggering normal attack bonus effects from equipped items or buffs. This ability has up to 5 charges.

Piercing Gaze

Lindis illuminates the area around her and reveals the location of nearby enemy heroes for 5 seconds. This ability can be stored 2 times. After learning this ability, when Lindis hits the same enemy 3 times, the target will suffer an additional 140 (+20% of AD) physical damage.

Tread Softly

When Lindis passes through the brush, she will increase her movement speed by 25%-40% (based on her level) and strength her next normal attack for a short period of time. The strengthened attack will fire 2 arrows with each arrow dealing 65% of AD physical damage. 4-second cooldown.

Lindis Guide

Lindis is a powerful marksman who excels in bursting down her enemies. Although she doesn't have any dash ability her mobility will get boosted while she's passing through the brush.

Lindis's second ability Entrapment can help her reveal enemies who are trying to sneak attack want to assassinate Lindis not so easy.


Passive - Tread Softly

When Lindis passes through the brush, she will increase her movement speed and strengthen her next normal attack for a short period of time. The strengthened attack will fire 2 arrows with each arrow dealing physical damage, 4-second cooldown.

As a good Lindis player, you should make the most of the benefits from fighting in the brush. Use the extra mobility and damage as an edge to prevail in battles. The same works for clearing monsters.

The extra speed and damage can make it much more efficient letting Lindis grow faster in the early game.

Ability 1 - Piercing Gaze

Lindis illuminates the area around her and reveals the location of nearby enemy heroes for 5 seconds. This ability can be stored 2 times. After learning this ability, when Lindis hits the same enemy 3 times, the target will suffer an additional physical damage.

Piercing gaze can be used to discover enemy heroes in stealth mode such as Batman. When entering unknown territory Lindis can release piercing gaze in advance to view her surroundings to avoid a possible gank from the enemy.

Ability 2 - Entrapment

Lindis sets a trap that lasts for 2 minutes. The trap will slow enemy movement speed by 30%, reveal enemy locations, and after a short while it will deal physical damage. Lindis can store and set up to 2 traps. Traps will become invisible 2 seconds after being set.

While landing Lindis can cast Entrapment into the river and brush this will give her better vision and can discover enemies attack in advance.

Ultimate - Lunar Champion

Lindis calls forth a spirit to attack enemies, dealing physical damage and adding any bonus normal attack effects from equipped items or buffs. She can store this ability up to 5 times.

The ultimate is Lindis's main ability to deal damage since it can also trigger a critical hit. We recommend equipping items that can boost critical chance to help maximize the lunar champions damage output.

When playing Linda's here are some things to remember.

Lindis has many ways to combo skills together one of the common combos is to use the first ability Piercing gaze to reveal opponent's position, follow it up by second ability lay entrapment right underneath enemy target, then use the ultimate lunar champion and normal attacks to finish off the enemy. combo sequence is 1 + 2 + a + Ultimate.

Don't panic when the enemy is attacking, Lindis can first run into the brush then lay second ability underneath the enemy to slow him. This will lead Lindis to a successful escape.

Lindis first ability piercing can deal extra damage when hitting the same target twice. Thus try not to change the target while piercing is activated.

Lindi's doesn't have any dash ability. She can easily get killed by a warrior, or assassin thus it's better to take flicker as summoners talent which can boost her mobility and help her survive longer in the game.

For Lindis can use a normal attack to kite enemy while moving especially after obtaining the Might golem. Then she can use her ultimate to cancel normal attacks ending move save a bit more time and follow it up with.


"The silver moon shines eternal."

Hidden among the population of Afata, there is a small tribe who worships the moon. Every thirty years, a young woman is chosen to wield the full power of the moon and become the tribe's guardian priestess. As the time for selecting the chosen one neared, Lindis and Luna were deemed the two most promising candidates as they had displayed the greatest potential for developing their abilities and controlling the full power of the moon.

But Lindis knew her chances were slim. Luna, her sister, outshone her in every way. She was talented, smart, beautiful, and held in high regard by their peers. Meanwhile, Lindis merely stood in ehr shadow, unnoticed and overlooked.

Lindis bore her sister no ill will, however. She loved her sister and admired her beauty. And, in return, Luna lavished her normally quiet and reserved little sister with love. Their bond was incredibly strong, and as time passed, the two sisters developed a psychic connection with one another. Lindis was content just being Luna's little sister. She had no sense of jealousy as all he wanted was for Luna to become the tribe's priestess.

Sadly, that heartfelt wish would soon be dashed. Mganga the Unspeakable had quietly maneuvered his way into the tribe. He began to work his charm on Lindis, playing her with sweet lies and luring her into his trap.

Just as he was prepared to start siphoning away Lindis's power, Luna, sensing her sister's predicament, came to the rescue. Yet, she was not powerful enough to defeat Mganga alone. As Lindis returned to her sense, she was overcome with both guilt and despair. "I'll take both your powers!" Mganga exclaimed with delight and avarice.

"I won't dare let you!" shouted Luna. And with all her might, Luna released a bright burst of energy that drew out the full power in both sisters, melding their souls together inextricably. "You… What have you don't?! You would sacrifice your own life and existence for her?!" an enraged and distraught Mganga roared as he tried to stop the fusion. But there was little he could do to stop the fully realized potential of the silver moon.

Under the light of the silver moon, Luna grew every weaker while her energy brought Lindis back from the brink of death. "Lindis, I'm so proud of you," was all that was said before Luna's physical presence faded, signaling the completion of their union. In a fit of anguish, Lindis fired a deadly arrow from her crossbow at Mganga. She could sense Luna's soul within her as she raised her weapon, calling upon the full power of the silver moon together. Badly wounded and defeated, Mganga fled and never returned.

"Luna, I promise you. I will defend our tribe to the bitter end."

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