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The Pixie
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Krixi Stats

Gold Cost3888
Voucher Cost499
Max HP3438
Armor Pierce0%
Magic Defense80|11.7%
Attack Damage153
Ability Power0
Max Mana490
Movement Speed350
Magic Pierce0%
Attack Speed0%
Critical Chance0%
Critical Damage200%
Life Steal0%
Magic Life Steal0%
Cooldown Speed0%
Attack RangeLong Range
HP Per 5 Seconds54
Mana Per 5 Seconds18
Magic Life Steal0%
Constitution Rating4
Attack Damage Rating3
Ability Damage Rating8
Difficulty Rating3
Attack Damage153
Critical Chance0%
Life Steal0%
Cooldown Speed0%
Cooldown Speed0%

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Krixi Abilities

Nature's Wrath

Krixi summons the power of nature at the target location, dealing 260 (62% of AP) magic damage to nearby enemies and knocking them into the air for 1.5 seconds.


Krixi summons a meteor shower that increases her movement speed by 15% for 5 seconds and pummels nearby enemies, dealing 275(+60% of AP) magic damage with each hit. Each enemy can be hit up to 4 times.


Krixi summons a clone to fly forward and back, dealing 450 (+85% of AP) magic damage to any enemy it touches. Damage decreases by 20% after each hit (down 40% of original damage).


Whenever Krixi hits an enemy with an ability, gain 25% movement speed for 2 seconds.

Krixi Guide

Krixi is an AP carry with a combination of excellent mobility explosive AoE damage making her a dreadful opponent on the battlefield.


Passive - Flutter

When Krixi hits an enemy with her skills she gains 25% movement speed for two seconds. With this incredible surge of movement speed, Krixi can easily chase down her enemy for the kill.

Ability 1 - Mischief

Krixi sends out and pulls back a clone dealing damage to all enemies hit each way. Each enemy hit reduces the damage by 20% up to a 60% damage reduction this is Krixi's core spell to wear down her opponent. Note that Krixi can change the direction of her returning clone through repositioning.

Ability 2 - Nature's Wrath

Krixi channels nature's energy beneath her enemies knocking them up and dealing magical damage. Even with its brief cast delay, Nature's wrath is a powerful AoE crowd control ability that enables Krixi to follow up with the rest of her skills.

Ultimate - Moonfall

Krixi summons a meteor shower around her continuously attacking enemies within range. Each enemy can be struck up to four times and Moonfall cannot be disrupted for its entire 5-second duration allowing Krixi to deal tons of damage.

In battle, Krixi can easily kite enemies by first using mischief to wear down the opponents then cast nature's wrath to knock them up while pulling back with the help of increased movement speed given by flutter.

Continue kiting using mischief and nature's wrath before finishing them off with Moonfalls massive damage explosion. Krixi can enter the team fights by first casting Moonfall then follow up with mischief to deal even more damage.

Use nature's wrath to knock up enemies before casting mischief again to collect kills. Alternatively first use nature's wrath to knock up the enemies then cast mischief and Moonfall to instantly deal lethal damage. any

Any enemies still alive after this can be finished with another mischief, Overall, Krixi is a very nimble mage who leads her team to victory through her kiting talent and AoE damage.


"We fairies of the forest are heralds of the Creator."

Like other fairies, Krixi could often be found dancing in flowerbeds or playing with the animals. However, whenever danger draws near, Krixi's cruel side would emerge in full force. She would use her sharp fangs and claws to shred any demon who intrudes upon the forest.

What really broke Krixi's heart was seeing the humans, whom she once considered her companions, destroying the forest for material wealth. Their armies were highly organized and armed to the teeth, so Krixi gathered the inhabitants of the forest in an effort to fight off the human invaders. The plan worked, and she was able to coerce the humans into signing a peace treaty.

The forest quickly returned to its peaceful and serene state, but Krixi knew that the invaders' ambitions weren't much different from that of the demons. She began training wild creatures with human methods and formed her own powerful beast army in hopes to prevent future invasions!

"War has no other purpose than the destruction of life!"

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