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Ilumia Stats

Gold Cost13888
Voucher Cost999
Max HP3210
Armor Pierce0%
Magic Defense80|11.7%
Attack Damage173
Ability Power0
Max Mana490
Movement Speed340
Magic Pierce0%
Attack Speed0%
Critical Chance0%
Critical Damage200%
Life Steal0%
Magic Life Steal0%
Cooldown Speed0%
Attack RangeLong Range
HP Per 5 Seconds50
Mana Per 5 Seconds18
Magic Life Steal0%
Constitution Rating2
Attack Damage Rating3
Ability Damage Rating10
Difficulty Rating8
Attack Damage173
Critical Chance0%
Life Steal0%
Cooldown Speed0%
Cooldown Speed0%

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Ilumia Abilities


Illumia knocks back nearby enemies using Banish, dealing 150 (+40% of AP) magic damage. Movement speed of all targets hit is reduced by 30% and Illumia's movement speed is increased by 30% for 1 second if the ability lands successfully.


Using any 2 abilities will strengthen the next Divine Light cast within 3 seconds and refreshes its cooldown immediately.


Illumia summons a divine matrix that explodes after a short delay below all enemy heroes, dealing 540(+1--% of AP) magic damage to enemies nearby and stunning them for 1 second. Illumia also gains enemy vision for 3 seconds.

Divine Light

Illumia fires a divine light in the target direction, which explodes upon contact with enemies in range and deals 350 (+45% of AP) magic damage. The divine light deals 1.6 times the damage along the path and knocks enemies back when it is enhanced by Illumia's passive. The explosion at the end of the path deals double damage, stuns the target for 0.75 seconds and reduces the target's movement speed for 1.5 seconds.

Ilumia Guide

Ilumia is a mage hero with a tremendous power to inflict magic based damage and protect others. With Ilumia victory is assured as she is usually the one who deals the most damage on the battlefield.


Skill 1 - Divine Light

Ilumia releases a ball of energy which explodes on touching an enemy causing an area of effect damage. This is Ilumias go to damage skill which she will often use to wipe out enemies in her line of fire

Passive - Goddess

Illumia removes the cooldown of her first skill and strengthens the next use of her skill for the next three seconds whenever she releases any two skills. This will enlarge the area of effect for her first skill and inflict double the damage with a stronger knockback effect on enemies.

Skill 2 - Vanish

It is hard for enemies to get close to the terrifying Ilumia as she will knock back nearby enemies inflicting damage. This is Ilumias main protective skill. Ilumia will use vanish alongside her other abilities to protect herself and slay opponents.

Ultimate - Cataclysm

Ilumia will concentrate her divine powers to summon a magical matrix at the feed of all enemy heroes. This Matrix will explode after a short time dealing damage with stun effects to enemies within its area of effect.

This is a large area of effect skill it and presents a very good opportunity to effectively control when used at the right time in battle. Hoping your teammates clean up the battlefield.

When in danger, Ilumia will use her second and first skill to knock enemies back and activate her passive. She will then use her first skill again to knock back opponents again which should allow Ilumia to easily escape a dangerous battlefield. It should also be easy for her to slay opponents using her first skill enhanced by her passive skill, should enemies attempt to flee with low health.

Ilumia can first use her ultimate and then knock enemies back so they stay within its area of effect during battle. This will stun opponents and work well with other skills. In summary, Ilumia possesses outstanding protective and damage dealing capabilities. An easy victory is at hand with a beautiful death use of her powers.


Illumia had it all: Beauty, intelligence, power, glory, and strength. Just as Maloch represented the dark power, Illumia was the embodiment of light. No hero was above Illumia. She never showed anyone her true self because she had a more important identity to assume: Goddess of Light.

Her elegance, purity, and magic compelled people to believe that Illumia was the Goddess that brought hope and light to the people. The Temple was founded and expanded on these beliefs. With a revered Goddess, the Temple firmly established the religion, which commanded its fearless followers to resist dark invasions.

As the actual power wielder of the Temple, Illumia knew how to play the game. She managed to wrestle the Temple free from the castle's rule and protect her followers' interest when Thane's power reached its pinnacle. Illumia lived and breathed power, and she would never give it up willingly.

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