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The Anointed One
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Ignis Stats

Gold Cost13888
Voucher Cost999
Max HP3555
Armor Pierce0%
Magic Defense80|11.7%
Attack Damage160
Ability Power0
Max Mana490
Movement Speed360
Magic Pierce0%
Attack Speed0%
Critical Chance0%
Critical Damage200%
Life Steal0%
Magic Life Steal0%
Cooldown Speed0%
Attack RangeLong Range
HP Per 5 Seconds54
Mana Per 5 Seconds17
Magic Life Steal0%
Constitution Rating2
Attack Damage Rating5
Ability Damage Rating9
Difficulty Rating7
Attack Damage160
Critical Chance0%
Life Steal0%
Cooldown Speed0%
Cooldown Speed0%

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by different-async
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Ignis Tier: B
Sat Oct 17 2020 a month ago

Ignis Abilities

Fire Crash

Ignis forms the Sacred Flame into an orb and launches it, dealing 325 (+45% of AP) magic damageto the first enemy hit and nearby enemies in a cone behind it. Also increases Ignis movement speed by 40% for 1 second. If marked targets are hit,then Ignis gains a shield that absorbs 300 (+65% of AP) damage for 3 seconds.

Rain of Fire

Ignis summons a Rain of Fire at the target area for 3 seconds, dealing 135 (+45% of AP) magic damage every second to enemies in the area and reducing their movement speed by 30% for 2 seconds. Marked targets are stunned for 0.75 seconds.

Holy Embers

Ignis creates a Scared Fire formation that deals 700 (+90% of AP) magic damage after 1 second to enemies in the target area. Marked targets take 800 (+100% of AP) true damage.

Scared Flame

Fire Crash places a Mark of the Flame on targets hit, and enhances Ignis' next ability directed at marked targets. The mark lasts 3 seconds, and when the mark is consumed by an ability, Ignis is healed for 100 (+15% of AP) HP and the cooldown for Fire Crash is reset

Ignis Guide

Ignis is a Mage Hero who is a master in fire and is capable of unleashing massive AoE damage on enemies. Ignis excels the most when enemies are hugging together in battles. Since Ignis can place mark of the flame on his targets he can greatly increase the damage output using his skill combo.


Passive - Sacred Flame

Ignis's abilities place mark of the flame on his target after 1.5 seconds. His next ability consumes the mark and is enhanced. Mark of the flame lasts for 2.5 seconds since the mark of the flame can enhance the next ability when low on health Ignis can cast reign of fire first followed by fire crash in order to generate a shield using the passive. On the other hand, Ignis can cast fire crash first followed by rain of fire in order to stun the enemy.

Ability 1 - Fire Crash

Ignis forms the sacred flame into an orb and launches it dealing magic damage to the first enemy hit and nearby enemies in a cone behind it. Also, Increases Ignis's movement speed by 40% for one second. If marked targets are hit then Ignis gains a shield that absorbs damage for 3 seconds. Fire crash can be used to clear waves in lane and harass the enemy from afar.

Ability 2 - Rain of Fire

Ignis summons a rain of fire at the target area for three seconds dealing magic damage every second to enemies in the area and reducing their movement speed by 30% for 1.5 seconds. Marked targets are stunned for 1.5 seconds. As the primary controllability of Ignis, Rain of Fire can deal multiple AoE damage. Therefore, can be used to poke and wear down the enemies before battles. Try to cast rain of fire on marked targets in order to trigger the stunning effect thereby maximizing the damage.

Ultimate - Holy Embers

Ignis creates a formation with sacred fire the deals magic damage. After 1.5 seconds to enemy heroes in the target area. Marked targets take true damage. Holy Embers can be cast at once and deal additional damage to marked Heroes which can easily lead to an ace in battle.

The recommended combo for Ignis is to initiate with fire crash followed by rain of fire to stun the marked enemy. This will allow rain of fire to deal constant damage to the enemy. Finally, collect the kill with holy Embers.

As a Mage, Ignis should farm in the mid lane and try to level up as soon as possible. Try to harass the enemy in lane with fire crash in order to build up an early advantage. If the enemy does not recall at low health, Ignis can end his life with one skill combo.

In the mid and late game as the main damage dealer, Ignis should stay in the backline in order to ensure his damage output since Ignis does not have escaping abilities he can be caught easily by enemies, therefore, should be extra careful not to be separated from allies. Try staying behind tanky allies so that they can peel for Ignis when enemy assassins come in.

In late games, Ignis's duty is to hit as many enemies as possible with his abilities and to maximize the damage output.


"The Holy Flame will lead us to the Kingdom of Truth."

The doctrine of the temple of Light teaches that the Holy Flame is the symbol of light and truth. As guardian of Holy Flame, Ignis has long relied on his abundant knowledge and unshakable faith to lead the faithful along the path of light. It is for this reason that he is widely known as the "Guide." However, before attaining this status, Ignis was an ordinary Temple scholar.

Obsessed with the pursuit of truth, Ignis spent all his time studying in the Temple's Tower of Contemplation. He read countless ancient texts, among which he discovered HOly Flame manipulation spells that had been long forgotten. Unfortunately, the HOly Flame burned out a century ago, making his discovery worthless. Everyone in the Temple lamented this fact. However, Ignis was delighted. His study of the Holy Flame had brought him one step closer to the Kingdom of Truth that he had dreamed of for so long.

Although it could not be put into practice, Ignis discovery sent shockwaves through the forces of darkness that lurked just out of sight. No one could have anticipated that Ignis' next discovery had the potential to break the balance between light and dark. COmmanded by the Lord of Darkness, a demon army mounted an attack on the Temple, during which the scorching flames of hell engulfed the entire Tower of Contemplation. The terrified scholars fled, but the resolute Ignis refused to leave. To protect the precious text, he willingly endured the agonizing burns inflicted by the raging inferno.

"If this is to be my fate, then bury me in the Kingdom of Truth along with this precious knowledge!" This sincere prayer invoked the power of a holy light. Ignis was shocked to see that the red flames of hell had been turned to a holy white by this power. It was the Holy Flame that Ignis had yearned to see for so many years. Although extinguished long ago, it had been reignited within him.

Ignis recited a Holy Flame manipulation spell almost instinctively, and the Holy Flame formed a wall of fire, just as he had willed it to. "The invaders will be destroyed. The Holy Flame will tear the flesh from their bodies and incinerate their bones!" Brought to the brink of defeat, the Temple guard managed to regroup under Ignis protection and emerged victoriously. After the battle, Ignis returned to the Tower of Contemplation and continued his journey along the road to truth.

"Before truth, the knowledge I possess is but a drop in the ocean."

Konicheebye to my Ignis Guide!

I have 10 years of MOBA gaming experience playing Leauge of Legends, Dota 2, Heroes of the Storm, Mobile Legends & Arena of Valor.

I'm writing this guide because someone who watched my montage asked how do I build Ignis. With this build, I maintain a win-rate of 70%, and I'm here to share it with you!

This will be a relatively lengthy, in-depth guide explaining how to use Ignis to its best potential. I'm still learning every day, so don't be afraid to comment and tell me if I'm wrong.


Ignis Strength & Weakness


Long range poke High AOE burst damage Good late game


Weak early game Item Dependent Low Mobility Positioning oriented Squishy


Ideally, we want to always use Flicker because it provides you with the mobility that you lack. It can save you from sticky situations, help you initiate or simply position yourself better.

Tip: You can use Flicker to blink across impassable terrain.

Purify would be the 2nd best option because you can purge incoming crowd control effects. It could be the defining moment between a live or die situation for you. See that Grakk hook coming? Purify. See that Slimz spearheading for you and you are unable to dodge? Purify.

Tip: Don't wait for the crowd control to hit you before you use Purify. Use it preemptively. PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE.

Heal is just an overall great spell for you and your team. You benefit from it, your team benefits from it and you'd most probably pick this because you have yet to unlock Flicker or Purify. Be a team player then, pick heal.

Tip: Heal gives you a short boost in speed, don't be afraid to use it to escape or to chase down your enemies!

Burst Damage Build

Your role as a Mage (Position 2) is to provide damage in the form of magic. If you play your role right, your opponent will be forced to build defense items to deal with your awesomeness.

This particular build is catered for solo-play where team coordination is at a minimal. Especially in ranked games, team fights last shorter than usual and it's just a clusterfuck of who unloads their jizz first.

Ignis should be played with a "poke"-team composition. You ideally want to whittle your opponents down so that you can have an advantageous team fight by forcing them to take a fight at 1/2 HP or when you force one of their teammates to be so low that they have to go back to base and heal.

Opening Items

1x Spell Tome (Price: 300 Gold)

You should always start with a Spell Tome because it it's 1 half of the items that build into Phoenix Tear.


2x Pendant of Faith (Price: 120 Gold)

2 x 10 mana/5s = 20 mana/5s. Quick Maths. This is an alternative choice to Spell Tome but Phoenix Tear provides more than enough sustain. You could get these and Phoenix Tear to accommodate to your spamming of skills but it might be an overkill.

Basic Items

1x Phoenix Tear (Price: 600 Gold)

60 AP & when the hero gains a level, 20% of HP and mana are restored over 3 seconds. For 600 Gold?! We in Value Town boys. You are able to get this item before Level 3 by simply purchasing a Spell Tome at the start and soaking 2 lanes of creep. It's an item that will be useful all the way till you reach level 15 (Max Level). It saves you time from going back to base which in turn allows you to continue farming, increasing your farm efficiency.

1x Sonic Boots (Price: 700 Gold) or Gilded Greaves (Price: 690 Gold)

Reduces normal attack damage taken or Resistance +35% (Reduce duration of crowd control effects)? You decide. 2 or more physical assassins on the opposing team? Pick Sonic Boots. Heroes with a lot of CC? Pick Gilded Greaves. The opponent team has Raz? Pick Gilded Greaves.

It depends very much on your opponent's team composition and you have to weigh what's gonna kill you the most.

"Why not the other boots? I think Enchanted Kicks is pretty good with the +75 Magic Pierce." Fuck the other boots, that's what I'd say. Just ask yourself this simple question, can you buy either Sonic Boots or Gilded Greaves passives with your Arcana? Ya, that's what I thought.

Core Items

1x Frosty's Revenge (Price: 1780 Gold)

This item is moderately broken with Ignis. He is able to capitalize on its passive well with his skills. The slow provided from Frosty's Revenge makes all his skills provide a soft CC and if there is already a slow from his skills, 2nd Skill (Rain of Fire), it stacks on top of that.

It also provides him with magic defense as well as 7% movement speed which improves his mobility.

Overall, this item not only has great stats and a more better passive that amplifies his skills, it is a item that one could say defines Ignis.

1x Rhea's Blessing (Price: 2220 Gold)

This item provides you with a shield that absorbs some damage for you, provides you with 25% lifesteal, 10% CDR and a solid chunk of AP. It's everything that you need. The lifesteal is amplified with Ignis because of his ability to deal AOE damage, if you play games long enough, you'd know multiple damage sources, gives you multiple life steal. Simply cast it on the lane creeps and boom, you're almost as good as new.

With that, these 2 items are core on Ignis. They provide him with what he lacks in and amplifies what he is great in.

Luxury Items

1x Hecate's Diadem (Price: 2300 Gold)

Huge huge chunk of AP from this item, scales as you get more items due to passive. Provides you some magic pierce to counter defense items. With higher AP, your ulti does more true damage. If you don't know, true damage negates defense, so if you were to be dealt 2000 magical damage, with 50% magic resistant you would probably only receive 1000 magical damage. But with true damage, 2000 true damage, is 2000 true damage.

1x Boomstick (Price: 2000 Gold)

There are builds which recommend getting Boomstick early, but this item doesn't really scale well without AP. The passive additional damage doesn't deal as much without AP. So getting it as your 4 item would be a better choice.

1x Ancestral Glory (Price: 2240 Gold)

Get this at any point in time after your core items, especially when some scumbag on the other end of another phone keeps camping and targeting you. You will be every assassin's number 1 priority target, so this item is a saving grace every 3 mins for your positional errors.

Skill Build

Quick Guide:

Max Holy Embers first Max Fire Crash second Max Rain of Fire last

Skills Tips Use Fire Crash as your main DPS skill and to whittle your opponents down.

Ignis's skills have a relatively low cooldown when capped at 40% CDR. Don't be afraid to use your skills without their passive, they're strong zoning tools.

Rain of Fire doesn't require your passive to proc, it can still stun as long as all 3 waves damage your target.

Always use both Fire Crash & Rain of Fire to push out the wave quickly.

Arcana Choices

I like using these Arcanas. With 10% CDR from Rhea's Blessing & Sage Buff, I can easily hit 40% CDR cap.

Flat AP for more damage for your ult and 10% more magic life steal to keep my healing up at 35% of my damage dealt.

The End

I will be constantly updating this guide with new information, especially patch updates. If you'd like a better understanding of how to play Ignis, you can watch my Ignis gameplay videos or my Ignis Montages.

Thanks for reading! :>

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