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The Gilded
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Gildur Stats

Gold Cost13888
Voucher Cost999
Max HP3678
Armor Pierce0%
Magic Defense80|11.7%
Attack Damage176
Ability Power0
Max Mana420
Movement Speed380
Magic Pierce0%
Attack Speed0%
Critical Chance0%
Critical Damage200%
Life Steal0%
Magic Life Steal0%
Cooldown Speed0%
Attack RangeMelee
HP Per 5 Seconds66
Mana Per 5 Seconds15
Magic Life Steal0%
Constitution Rating8
Attack Damage Rating3
Ability Damage Rating5
Difficulty Rating6
Attack Damage176
Critical Chance0%
Life Steal0%
Cooldown Speed0%
Cooldown Speed0%

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Sat Oct 17 2020 a month ago

Gildur Abilities


Gildur summons golden shards that stun and deal 100 (+45% of AP) magic damage to every enemy hit. This ability must be channeled and has a maximum duration of 3.5 seconds. Moving or using another ability after 1 second of channeling will interrupt this ability.


Gildur launches molten gold that explodes upon contact with an enemy, stunning and dealing 400 (+120% of AP) magic damage to all enemies nearby.


Gildur charges forward, dealing 90 (+45% of AD)(+45% of AP) physical damage to enemies in his path. His next normal attack becomes Midas Touch.

Midas Touch

Every 4th normal attack in a row knocks back targets and deals 150% of AD magic damage. Additionally, Gildur gains a shield with 160 (+30% of AP) points whne he uses any of his abilities or special normal attacks

Gildur Guide

Gildur is a tanky mage who uses long range poking and control abilities to destroy his enemies.


Passive - Midas Touch

Every fourth auto attack deals extra damage and applies a knockback effect to frontal targets. Also, Gildur is granted a brief shield when ever he uses an ability.

Ability 1 - Siege

Gildur charges forward dealing damage to all enemies in the path. This is Gildur's only mobility skill and it allows him to easily go through obstacles. Therefore, it is very handy for chasing enemies.

Ability 2 - Extravagant

Gildur tosses molten gold in a target direction dealing damage and stunning enemies. Extravagant is a small AoE skill that is often used to control the enemies before using Siege to complete the kill.

Ultimate - Indulgence

Gildur summons golden shards continuously dealing damage and stunning all enemies they hit. This is a very powerful crowd control ability that can easily change the tide of a battle.

To control the enemy first use Extravagant followed by Siege to get close then cast indulgence for more control and damage to complete the kill. When Gildur is low on health cast Extravagant to stun the enemy then use Siege to escape through a wall.

To maximize damage output initiate with Indulgence to crowd control all enemies. Allowing allies to deal massive damage and clean up the battle. If a dying enemy tries to escape use Extravagant to finish him off.

Overall Gilduar is a tanky hero who is capable of crowd controlling the enemy team and dealing incredible damage. Making him a valuable ally in battles.


Gildur once had more money than everyone. With his assets all over the continent, his family crest sometimes carried more power than the King’s order. His wealth earned him "The Gilded" title.

But material wealth made Gildur feel even more empty inside than ever. He tried to numb the emptiness with alcohol and beautiful companionship but that did not help. That was when the Temple of Light, advocating soul-cleansing caught his attention.

The ritualistic religion quickly filled the void inside Gildur. But being the calculative person that he is, Gildur realized that the fervor was not very different from his previous endeavors. He was in no hurry to leave, though. After experiencing religious life, he realized it could be a huge business. The hierarchy within the Temple gave him more reason to seek power.

His wealth quickly paved the way for him to rise through the hierarchy to become one of the most powerful men on the continent.

"My ambition for power is a beast uncaged. I am not done."

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