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The Crystal Lotus
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Diaochan Stats

Gold Cost1088
Voucher Cost399
Max HP3358
Armor Pierce0%
Magic Defense80|11.7%
Attack Damage165
Ability Power0
Max Mana490
Movement Speed360
Magic Pierce0%
Attack Speed0%
Critical Chance0%
Critical Damage200%
Life Steal0%
Magic Life Steal0%
Cooldown Speed0%
Attack RangeLong Range
HP Per 5 Seconds54
Mana Per 5 Seconds17
Magic Life Steal0%
Constitution Rating2
Attack Damage Rating3
Ability Damage Rating10
Difficulty Rating8
Attack Damage165
Critical Chance0%
Life Steal0%
Cooldown Speed0%
Cooldown Speed0%

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Sat Oct 17 2020 a month ago

Diaochan Abilities

Ice Queen

Passive: If Diaochan does not take any damage or suffer control effects within 7s, she will gain a Frost Shield that cancels out an enemy hero's attack, providing a one-second resistance against damage and control effects.

Chilling Frost

Diaochan attacks with frost, dealing 400 (+75% of AP) magi damage to enemies in the target area and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 2 seconds.

Diamond Dust

After a short delay, Diaochan freezes enemies within the target area for 2.5 seconds and deals 300 (+65% of AP) magic damage. Diamond Dust has 2 charges, but the second charge only freezes targets for 1.25 seconds if they are hit twice within 5 seconds. Frozen enemies take an additional200 (45% of AP) magic damage.


Diaochan summons a blizzard, dealing 350 (+90% of AP) magic damage to enemies within the target area and slowing their movement speed by 20%. She also gains 300 armor. This ability must be channeled and has a maximum duration of 5.3 seconds. Moving or using another ability after 0.6 seconds of a channeling will interrupt this ability.

Diaochan Guide

Diao Chan is an AP carry who shines with her formidable crowd control and AoE damage.


Passive - Ice Queen

The mysterious Eastern Magic allows Diao Chan to deal additional magical damage to frozen targets in combination. With her other powerful spells, ice queen turns Diao Chan into an absolute killing machine.

Ability 1 - Chilling Frost

Diao Chan instantly casts a long-range AoE spell that slows her enemies dealing magical damage. The long range of this ability allows Diao Chan to easily kite and damage her enemies from afar.

Ability 2 - Diamond Dust

After a short delay, Diao Chan summons an ice lotus at targeting area, freezing nearby enemies and dealing magical damage. This is Diao Chan's core skill. Since Diao Chan can peel additional damage to frozen targets it is critical to not miss the spell, However, due to the brief delay of this skill, it may be easier to land the spell after hitting the enemies with chilling frost first.

Ultimate - Blizzard

Diao Chan casts a blizzard around her healing massive damage to all nearby enemies within the range. Blizzards temporarily grant her physical defense and slow enemies around to prevent them from escaping.

Blizzards explosive damage allows Diao Chan to easily kill her foes during team fights. When being tower dove, Diao Chan can first use chilling frost to slow the enemies then follow up with Diamond dust to keep the enemies within the towers attack range.

Of course, skillful players can also use diamond dust first to freeze the enemy and then slow them with chilling frost to deal even more overall damage to maximize her damage output. Diao Chan should first use diamond dust to freeze her enemies activating her passive and then cast killing frost and blizzard to finish them off.

Although in many cases blizzard is all it takes to complete the kill after all blizzard is the main damaging spell.

OverallDDiao Chan is a mage carry who excels at destroying her opponent both in lane and in team fights With her powerful and chilling abilities.


"Men may think they rule the world, but I rule men."

Diaochan said this at the tender age of 18. She had just learned the art of Sleeve Dancing and with it, she had already managed to seduce all the men who frequented Chang'an Avenue. An old official claimed: "This girl must be the incarnation of heavenly sin!" before falling at her feet, eager to catch the fragrance of her dress.

Even the might Lu Bu could not resist Diaochan's beauty. When she frowned, lu Bu was ready to slay his own godfather, Dong Zhuo, for unintentionally offending this beauty with his glance. The very sight of Diaochan's sad face was cause enough for Lu Bu to kill.

Diaochan was indeed beautiful, but her beauty was matched by her manipulative nature. Heroes all over the world came to challenge Lu Bu to become Diaochan's new champion. Most of them were killed with a single strike. In fear, some banded together and yet met the same fate. Seeing his enemies multiply and Lu Bu's thirst for battle grew, Diaochan quietly left the man who loved her so deeply in one stormy morning.

"Try not to think of me too much."

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