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The Mermidon
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Cresht Stats

Gold Cost13888
Voucher Cost999
Max HP3800
Armor Pierce0%
Magic Defense80|11.7%
Attack Damage153
Ability Power0
Movement Speed380
Magic Pierce0%
Attack Speed0%
Critical Chance0%
Critical Damage200%
Life Steal0%
Magic Life Steal0%
Cooldown Speed0%
Attack RangeMelee
HP Per 5 Seconds67
Magic Life Steal0%
Constitution Rating9
Attack Damage Rating2
Ability Damage Rating5
Difficulty Rating7
Max Rage100
Rage Per 5 Seconds5
Attack Damage153
Critical Chance0%
Life Steal0%
Cooldown Speed0%
Cooldown Speed0%

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Cresht Abilities


Cresht's lance swings grant Rage, knock back surrounding heroes, and deal 360 (+80% of AD) physical damage. Under Metamorphosis, Cresht summons a geysey that deals 400 (+125% of AD) physical damage.


Cresht jconsumes all Rage and morphs into his true form, growing in size and gaining an absorption shield. He then summons a massive tidal wave, pushing enemies aside and stunning the enemies at the end of the wave, also dealing 400 (+100% of AD) physical damage. Cresht gains movement while riding the wave, and loses speed once he leaves it.

Tidal Rage

Cresht gains Rage with normal attacks when Metamorphsis is not active. When morphed, Cresht shakes the earth each time he uses an ability, reducing the movement speed of enemies in the area by 50% for 2 seconds and significantly increasing his attack damage.

Aquatic Shield

Cresht jumps to the target location, summoing a whirlpool that grants friendly heroes a shield, absorbing up to 500 (+47.3% of AD) physical damage. Cresht also gains Rage. Under Meetamorphosis, Cresht jumps to the target location and summons a whirlpool that deals 380 (+94.5% of AD) physical damage to enemies within range.

Cresht Guide

Cresht is a powerful tank hero with exceptional tankiness and high burst damage. Cresht can always carry his team to an easy victory.


Passive - Tidal Rage

Cresht gains rage with normal attacks when metamorphosis is not active. When morphed, Cresht shakes the earth each time he uses an ability. Reducing movement speed of enemies in the area and significantly increases his attack damage.

Ability 1 - Typhoon

Cresht swings his lance to knock back surrounding enemies and deals damage. This AoE allows Cresht to effectively protect his allies and gaining madness. When morphed, the range of the skill will decrease but the damage will greatly increase.

Ability 2 - Aquatic Shield

Cresht jumps to the target location, summoning a whirlpool that grants friendly heroes a shield absorbing huge damage. Cresht also gains rage. Under metamorphosis, Cresht jumps to the target location and summons a whirlpool that deals physical damage to enemies within range.

Ultimate - Metamorphosis

Cresht consumes all madness and morphs. He becomes enlarged in size and gains a powerful shield. He also creates a waterway that pushes away enemies on the side and stuns the enemies on the side while dealing massive damage.

Cresht gains movement speed when he's on the water way but the effect gradually decreases when he leaves the waterway. Metamorphosis allows Cresht to rush into the enemy team and absorb all sorts of damage while allies clean up the battle.

When allies are low on health, Cresht can use red tide to grant them protective shields while knocking enemies back using Typhoon. Of course, Cresht can also use red tide for his own escape.

In team fights, Cresht is best at opening battles by rushing into the enemy team with Metamorphosis. Using the first two skills in help of his allies, Cresht can easily collect kills and win the battle.

Overall, Cresht is an excellent tank with exceptional damage and protection for the team. Making him the perfect body guard for his allies.


"Strength or death!"

Cresht, The Mermidon, frequently talked of the Boiling Sea from which he came from. However, when dealing with Cresht, one would do well to remember that this sea was not so called because of its temperature, but because of the constant chaos beneath its waters, and that he remained at the top of its food chain.

Ancient records didn't contain much detail regarding Cresht's origins. The only relevant knowledge that man was able to garner came from a bard's song: "A monstrosity rising from the seas' hungry depths; its trident so terrible it brings naught but death."

Cresht, The Mermidon, frequently talked of the Boiling Sea from which he came from. However, when dealing with Cresht, one would do well to remember that this sea was not so called because of its temperature, but because of the constant chaos beneath its waters, and that he remained at the top of its food chain.

Ancient records didn't contain much detail regarding Cresht's origins. The only relevant knowledge that man was able to garner came from a bard's song: "A monstrosity rising from the seas' hungry depths; its trident so terrible it brings naught but death."

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